Transfer Pricing nieuws

Douanerecht en Controversy

Organisaties raken steeds vaker betrokken bij discussies met belastingautoriteiten over belastingheffing. Dit gebeurt in Nederland, maar ook daarbuiten. Met toenemende handelsbarrières en geopolitieke ...

The Netherlands issues new decree on OECD Amount B

Amount B concerns the contemplated simplified and streamlined transfer pricing rules for determining the remuneration for baseline marketing and distribution activities.

Transfer pricing en controversy

Organisaties raken steeds vaker betrokken bij discussies over belastingheffing met belastingautoriteiten. Dit gebeurt in Nederland, maar ook daarbuiten. Welke rol speelt het internationale KPMG-netwer ...

Final EU public CbCR guidance and form published

The European Commission published an updated implementing regulation providing the common template and electronic reporting formats for the application of the EU public country-by-country (CbC) report ...

Follow up webinar Public Country-by-Country Reporting

We plan to delve deeper into these topics in our upcoming tax news flashes and the transfer pricing seminar in October 2024. Stay tuned for more detailed discussions and practical advice on navigating ...

Additional guidance on Amount B

All businesses, regardless of size, are potentially in the scope of Amount B if they carry out certain pre-defined distribution activities, as defined in the OECD Inclusive Framework’s Report of Febru ...

EU publieke Country-by-Country Reporting

Op 1 december 2021 is de Europese openbare Country-by-Country Reporting- (CbCR-)richtlijn gepubliceerd in het EU Publicatieblad en in werking getreden. Het doel van de richtlijn is het creëren van tra ...

Legal protection under Pillar II - or more to the point: the absence of it

As of 2024, the Pillar 2 rules will become a reality within the EU and other jurisdictions worldwide. Under Pillar 2, the Global Anti-Base Erosion (GloBE) rules ensure that large multinational enterpr ...

Aldo Mariani appointed as Head of Global Tax Dispute Resolution and Controversy Services network

Aldo Mariani has been appointed as Head of Global Tax Dispute Resolution and Controversy Services network

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