Nordics Desk

Our KPMG Meijburg & Co Nordics Desk provides professional services (tax and legal) to Dutch corporate groups active in the Scandinavian region (Denmark, Finland, Iceland, Norway and Sweden) and to Nordic entities that operate or are looking to operate in the Netherlands.

Contact team

Global high quality network

Based in Rotterdam, our Nordics Desk is connected to the vast network of KPMG member firms, which is active in 147 countries and collectively has over 219,000 professionals. Together we are committed to providing clients and prospective clients with quality and excellent service.

Strong Nordic network and track record

For several decades our Nordics Desk has invested in building and maintaining a strong local presence and strong local relationships and knowledge. We continuously visit our Nordic offices and network partners. We also frequently organize thought leadership events and publish articles and other material of interest to our clients.

How can we be of assistance?

Would you like to know more about our cross-border services, relevant international network or service professionals? Then please feel free to contact us. You may also wish to sign up for our Nordic newsletter and/or upcoming events.

Nordic Desk areas of expertise

Our KPMG Meijburg & Co Nordics Desk offers expertise in a wide range of areas, including:

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en is aangesloten bij de wereldwijde KPMG organisatie van onafhankelijke entiteiten verbonden aan KPMG International Limited, een Engelse private company limited by guarantee.
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