NL-Africa Tax Desk newsletter – February 2022

Dear reader,
The aim of this newsletter is to give you an easy-to-read overview of the latest tax updates in Africa.
This month’s NL-Africa Tax Desk newsletter includes updates on tax measures enacted in Nigeria, South Africa, Botswana, and Zimbabwe for 2022. In addition, there is updated transfer pricing guidance available on the interpretation and impact of OECD transfer pricing guidelines in Nigeria and South Africa.
If you would like to know more about the matters addressed in this newsletter or have any feedback, feel free to contact Sebastiaan Paling (Head of the NL-Africa Tax Desk).
Best regards,
NL-Africa Tax Desk team
Meijburg & Co
Table of contents
Taxation of the digitalized economy - update of summary of global developments
Electronic invoicing (e-invoicing) and digital reporting global updates
Initial impressions of draft rules for tax base determinations under Pillar One Amount A
Investment tax incentives database for 36 developing countries
Cabo Verde
EU and Kenya advance talks on interim Economic Partnership Agreement
Withholding tax on purchases of software licenses (court decision)
High Court nullifies levy imposed on companies to finance a police trust fund
Stock-in-trade not limited to raw materials for claiming input VAT (tribunal decision)
South Africa
Budget 2022; reduction in corporate income tax rate and broadening the tax base
Draft interpretation note on intragroup loans, new transfer pricing guidance
Effects of reduced corporate income tax rate on investors in REITs
Measures in budget 2022 concerning individual taxation and employment taxes
New critical skills list published for an application for a work visa or permanent residence permit
Proposed clarification of tax measures for mining sector in budget 2022