NL-Africa Tax Desk

Although the African continent comprises 54 countries, there are typical challenges that MNEs and investors face when investing, executing M&A deals and developing business activities in Africa. The main objective of the NL-Africa Tax Desk is to assist you with a smooth landing on the African continent.

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Global high-quality network of tax specialists

The NL-Africa Tax Desk is part of the tax and legal practice of Meijburg & Co in the Netherlands. Meijburg & Co is part of KPMG’s international network. This network is active in 147 countries and has more than 219,000 professionals. Our global lines of communication are short, so we adapt quickly to changing circumstances and new developments in tax law. The close collaboration between the NL-Africa Tax Desk and the KPMG Africa Tax Centre ensures that our knowledge and expertise is used to the client’s best advantage.

What does the NL-Africa Tax Desk offer?

The Netherlands has stable and modern corporate legislation, almost 100 bilateral tax treaties in force and a wide range of tax incentives providing advantages to investors and MNEs looking to invest in Africa. Next to that, the Netherlands has an extensive network of tax treaties and bilateral investment treaties with African countries. Through our NL-Africa Tax Desk and expertise in these areas we assist investors and MNEs in setting up solid and efficient investment structures.

The services offered by the NL-Africa Tax Desk include the following:

  • Single point of contact and liaison for African tax-related services
  • Tax compliance for companies and branches in Africa
  • Reviewing corporate structures based on latest developments in international tax law (e.g. BEPS, MLI and EU directives)
  • Advice on transfer pricing policies and local transfer pricing documentation obligations
  • Tax due diligence in Africa
  • Tax structuring for investments in Africa
  • Updates on local African tax developments and changes to tax treaties; key to staying compliant with local tax obligations

Download our factsheet for more information on our services or contact one of our team members. The NL-Africa Tax Desk team includes French speaking professionals.

Want to stay up to date on tax in Africa?

Would you also like to receive our NL-Africa Tax Newsletter? Then you can register (free of obligation and without any commitment) here. You will then be kept regularly informed on new developments in case law, legislative proposals and practical experiences related to tax in Africa. You can also use this form to register for periodic updates on tax related to specific topics, market sectors and/or regions.

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