Transitions in the Energy Sector – Transfer Pricing Considerations




Webcast, June 21st, 15:00 - 16:00H CET

The energy sector has seen a lot of flux in the past year due to geopolitical factors, the rising costs of energy, disruptions to supply chains, the increasing importance of carbon markets and the push towards the green agenda. These factors have resulted in significant structural change in businesses across Europe that require tax and transfer pricing considerations to be taken into account.

The next Future of Tax & Legal webcast led by the EMA Transfer Pricing insights team will discuss KPMG professionals’ experience dealing with Transfer Pricing issues led by these factors across businesses operating in Europe, with a focus on:

• Changes in the energy sector for both renewables and legacy products
• Investments in new products, technologies, or business units in an effort to decarbonise
• Transfer pricing considerations amid shifting trends
• Transfer pricing implications from involvement in carbon markets
• The significance of government incentives in the renewables sector


EMA transfer pricing insights

The KPMG Global Transfer Pricing Services (GTPS) is launching EMA Transfer Pricing Insights, bringing together professionals from across the EMA region to share their transfer pricing stories and experiences with you.

Drawing on the collective power of KPMG’s EMA network, the Insights Team aims to help you identify areas where tax administrations are adopting common approaches to transfer pricing and where national experiences are different. These insights can provide you with updates on the latest trends and hot topic issues - all to help you minimize your transfer pricing risks.

The EMA Transfer Pricing Insights team is led by Jeroen Dijkman (Head of KPMG Meijburg & Co’s Transfer Pricing practice).


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