Pillar 2, is it about to break?

Thursday, March 6, 2025

09:30 - 14:00


For inquiries about this seminar, please reach out to your Meijburg contact.

Pillar 2, is it about to break?

Join us for this seminar to get your latest update on Pillar 2. During the plenary session our technical experts will set the stage and guide you through the most recent developments and share with you thought leadership on where they think Pillar 2 is going.
After a short break you will be able to join workshops of your choice that provide further insights into specific topics. The program will end with some conclusive thoughts in a brief plenary session and lunch will be provided after the program ends.


09:30 - 10:00  Walk-in with coffee and tea
10:00 - 11:00  Introduction/ plenary session
11.00 - 11.15  Break/moving rooms
11:15 - 12:00  Workshop round 1
12.00 - 12.15  Break/moving rooms
12:15 - 13:00  Workshop round 2
13:00 - 13:15  Wrap up / plenary session
13:15 - 14:00  Lunch


During the seminar we will host two rounds of workshops. As part of the registration you can choose one workshop for each round, which we have outlined below. 

Update EU developments

We will discuss the latest news on current and pending EU direct tax files, with a focus on important topics, such as Pillar 2 implementation, Unshell, the Transfer Pricing Directive, FASTER, Public CbyC Reporting, and other tax pending initiatives. 

Pillar 2 - EU versus US

During this workshop we will take a further deep dive into the developments we see in the US and the EU. 

A client's journey to Pillar 2 - an update

Join us in this workshop on a client's Pillar 2 journey. What can we learn form our clients on how to deal with Pillar 2. 

Pillar 2 pitfalls - Transitional CbCR Safe Harbour & GloBE ETR

With the first year of Pillar 2 behind us what have we seen in potential pitfalls resulting in not being able to apply the Transitional CbCR Safe Harbour or Top-up Tax being due under the GloBE ETR calculations? 

KPMG's approach to global Pillar 2 compliance and technology

Technology is a critical part in the tax operating model of Pillar 2. But where to start when deciding to consider a technology solution for Pillar 2? In this workshop we look to deployments options to build a solution for Pillar 2 and how Gen AI can support with Pillar 2. 

Administrative Guidance part 5 - what is there & what is still to come?

On January 15, 2025 the OECD released a series of documents, including additional Administrative Guidance. What is in there, what are we missing, and what is still to come? 

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