International Tax Update

Thursday, March 21, 2024

13:30 - 18:00

The international tax arena continues to evolve. We see enhancements on Pillar 2, next to developments on transfer pricing and various new initiatives launched at EU level. During this seminar we will discuss these developments and more and we have workshops focusing on specific topics.

13:30  Walk-in with coffee and tea
14:00  Start of the program
17:45  Key takeaways & wrap-up
18:00  Drinks & bites

During the seminar we will host two rounds of workshops. As part of the registration you can choose one workshop for each round, which we have outlined below. 

A client's journey to Pillar 2
Join us in this workshop on a client's Pillar 2 journey. What can we learn from our clients on how to deal with Pillar 2.

Marcus Heyland / Aroen Rambhadjan / Judy Harrison

Accounting for Pillar 2
Many groups are looking on what to do with Pillar 2 as part of their 2023 financial statements, but also for 2024 interim financial statements. How can you prepare yourself for Pillar 2 in the accounts?

Ivor Lacroix / Jan Moret

The time is now: Pillar 1, Pillar 2, and Transfer Pricing
OECD Pillar 1 and Pillar 2 rules could pose new challenges or need for changes in your current TP policies and practices. Have you adequately considered the effects of Pillar 1 - Amount B on your sales and distribution activities? How does Pillar 2 – GloBE rules interact with the arm’s length principle? Join us in this session as we examine these questions and help you revisit your preparedness for the emerging TP landscape.

Jaap Reyneveld / Sayee Gomathy Ramaswamy

Tax controversy
With Pillar 2 becoming a reality tax certainty and tax controversy become top of mind. How to address conflicts in interpretation in Pillar 2 rules and MAPs?

Aldo Mariani / Rian Waaijer / Holger Peters

Reliance on Safe Harbours
What Safe Harbours are available and how can you rely on these? And what should you take with you from the 18 December 2023 Administrative Guidance?

Lieke Mutsaers / Marco Dietrich / Marcus Heyland

Is technology the solution for Pillar 2
Technology is a critical part in the tax operating model of Pillar 2. But where to start when deciding to consider a technology solution for Pillar 2? In this workshop we look to deployments options to build a solution for Pillar 2, including hosting a demo on KPMG's BEPS Automation Technology Solution.

Gerhard Smit / Marcel Kerff / Kitipan Sripak

Crash course on EU developments
We will discuss the latest news on current and pending EU direct tax files, with a focus on important topics, such as Pillar 2 implementation, Unshell, the Transfer Pricing Directive, FASTER, Public CbyC Reporting, and other tax pending initiatives.

Raluca Enache / Vinod Kalloe / Ana Puscas

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