Cross-border payments reporting in the EU — A significant anti-VAT fraud measure

November 9, 2022 | 14:00-15:00 



We are pleased to invite you to the next Global Indirect Tax Services (GITS) webcast on Wednesday 9 November 2022, focusing on ‘CESOP — Cross border payments reporting in the EU’, which is a significant anti VAT fraud measure.

In a new attempt to detect and control VAT fraud in the e-commerce market, the EU will launch a Central Electronic System of Payment information (“CESOP”). Payment service providers will need to provide details on cross-border payments to CESOP, which should allow tax authorities to detect potential VAT fraud. The rules are aimed at detecting both EU and non-EU sellers. The contemplated effective date is 1 January 2024. The scope of the rules is wide and besides those that fall under the more common definition of payment service provider, may have direct implications for others operating in the e-commerce market and even for financial institutions that do not process transactions that are subject to VAT.
In the session, we would like to highlight:

  • The scope of CESOP, including particularities around payments that need to be reported and the threshold that applies;
  • An update on the implementation process from an EU perspective and country perspective;
  • A benchmark on where the industry stands in the implementation process;
  • How organizations should implement CESOP.

The presenters in the session include:

  • Jochum Zutt, Director, Indirect Tax, KPMG Meijburg & Co in The Netherlands
  • Louise Grima, Associate Director, Indirect Tax, KPMG in Malta
  • Marck Timmermans, Manager, Digital Strategy, KPMG in The Netherlands

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