BEPS 2.0

Wednesday, 21 December 2022
4:00 p.m. - 5:30 CET

The latest developments in BEPS 2.0

BEPS 2.0 has been an ongoing journey and has been picking up speed in various parts of the world. Through this webcast, we will discuss all the latest developments in light of the ECOFIN and European Council meetings as well as the Dutch Pillar 2 consultation note for which the consultation period ends December 5th. We will have an interactive panel discussion with various global BEPS 2.0 experts. Our panelists will shed light on recent developments in the BEPS 2.0 space from a global, US, EU and ASPAC perspective.

In addition, specific topics on BEPS 2.0 will also be discussed by our in-house BEPS 2.0 experts.

Please see below for further details of the speakers.

4:00 p.m. - 5:30 CET

NOB PE hours
The webcast meets the conditions for granting 1.5 NOB PE hour. If you take part in the webcast, you can register this 1.5 hour with the NOB.


  • Vinod Kalloe
  • Aroen Rambhadjan
  • Robert van der Jagt
  • Jaap Reyneveld
  • Quyen Huynh, Principal at KPMG USA on US insights
  • Raluca Enache, Associate Partner KPMG EU Tax on global insights, including ASPAC

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