Are you ready for BEPS 2.0?

September 15, 2022 | 12.00 - 18.00

BEPS 2.0 is picking up speed and, with all the new developments, it is becoming increasingly clear that Pillar 2 is here to stay. That is why you need to be prepared for the impact of BEPS 2.0 on your organization. 

We are delighted to invite you to our seminar: "Are you ready for BEPS 2.0?", which will be held at our Amstelveen office on September 15, 2022. During the seminar, we will walk you through the latest updates on Pillar 1 & Pillar 2, discuss the chances of implementation and tell you how to prepare for the new rules. We will also take a dive into certain aspects of Pillar 2 in the workshops described below.


12 noon             Lunch

1:00 p.m.           Introduction

1:15 p.m.           Plenary session

2:30 p.m.           Break

2:45 p.m.           Breakout session - 1

3:30 p.m.           Break

3:40 p.m.           Breakout session - 2

4:25 p.m.           Break

4:35 p.m.           Breakout session - 3

5:20 p.m.           Break

5:30 p.m.           Key takeaways & wrap-up

6:00 p.m.           Drinks

Breakout sessions

We will host three rounds of breakout sessions covering seven workshopsops. Please choose three out of the seven worshops listed below. 

1.    What drives the ETR under the Pillar 2 rules? 
This workshop will cover more detail on the GloBE ETR drivers and how to avoid top-up tax pitfalls.

2.    Tax accounting fundamentals under Pillar 2 
This workshop will cover the interaction between accounting for income taxes and the Pillar 2 rules.

3.    US positions and Pillar 2 
This workshop will cover the new Alternative Minimum Tax (AMT) on large corporations in the US and the interaction of AMT and GILTI with the GloBE Rules.

4.    Tax accounting deep dive under Pillar 2
This workshop will cover specific topics such as intercompany transfer of assets and entities joining and leaving an MNE group.

5.    Preparing for transition rules
This workshop will cover the mechanics of the main transition rules and whether any adverse impact can be mitigated.

6.    How can we support you in getting ready for Pillar 2?
This workshop will cover our approach to getting your organization ready for Pillar 2. The key elements discussed will be data management and tax technology.

7.    GloBE considerations and US M&A 
This workshop will cover typical GloBE considerations in the US M&A practice, such as asset deals or share deals.

The working language of the seminar will be English. By attending the seminar, you can earn 4 CPE points.
We look forward to welcoming you to the seminar. We would also like to invite you to join us for lunch at our Amstelveen office prior to the seminar. Lunch will be served between 12 noon and 1 p.m. There will be drinks hosted after the seminar, starting from 6 p.m.


One-on-one sessions

If you are interested in meeting one of our specialists before or after the seminar, our US, EU and UK colleagues will be available for one-on-one sessions with you. Please do make your request on the right side of this page.

We look forward to welcoming you to our event!

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